A database for global-to-local climate impacts

Explore data across scales and sectors

Explore risks of climate overshoots

The PROVIDE Climate risk dashboard allows you to explore future climate change impacts and (un)avoidable risks from cities to the global scale.

Alternatively, start local and explore what action is needed on climate to avoid climate impacts in your city.

The PROVIDE project

The PROVIDE project is a Horizon Europe funded consortium of scientists and policy experts, working to develop new, faster ways to project climate impacts, and ultimately, provide information on how we can avoid them. The project, aside from developing new scientific methods, aims to provide more clarity on how climate impacts might develop after peak temperatures, in so-called ‘overshoot scenarios’, and if they can be reversed.

Want to learn more about the Climate risk dashboard?

Watch the tutorial or interviews with the tool’s developers to learn how to use the tool and the scientific concepts behind the tool.


Climate Risk Dashboard
The development of the dashboard was led by Climate Analytics, with contributions from the PROVIDE consortium.
Logo of the European Union reading 'Funded by the European Union'

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101003687.

Climate Analytics Version 0.2.32. Build